Willa Gibbs is a gifted, accomplished writer, researcher and author.
This is my personal search for a talented, underrated, poetically beautiful writer and a truly remarkable woman.
I could find very little information on Miss Gibbs and her novels.
It is my mission to scour the internet, archives and all available sources, to compile every possible shred of information.
If you have any additional information on Miss Gibbs, please feel free to contact me.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

1 comment:

  1. I'd just like to thank you for putting together such am amazing resource about Willa Gibbs. I learned recently that Willa Gibbs visited Lake Chapala in Mexico in 1966 and wonder if you know anything more about her time there? [I'm researching the writers associated with that area, though in this case, it does not appear that Willa published anything new after that date?] Thanks again for a great site, TB
